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Isan Creative Festival 2023 has proven the success of the collaboration between all sectors that came together to arrange this biggest creative festival in the Northeast, or so-called Isan region. This festival was held for the third time by the Creative Economy Agency (Public Organization) or CEA, under the theme "Regional (enlight) sation" during 1 - 9 April 2023, which took place in Khon Kaen. Throughout the festival period, it has attracted 210,629 visitors and generated 342 million THB of economic value for the Isan region.

Isan Creative Festival 2023 gains impressive feedback from creators, entrepreneurs, the public and private sectors at a total of 86 parties, a community network of 30 communities from 14 provinces across the Northeastern region, 1,301 festival participants and stakeholders, as well as the network of creators from seven countries: England, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Australia, Myanmar, and Vietnam. They got together to promote the potential for sustainable growth of the distinctive creative industries of the Northeastern region in three sectors, namely Isan Entertainment, Isan Gastronomy, and Isan Craft & Design. 

Throughout the nine days of the festival, over 336 programs were presented  along with 365 artworks that were showcased. The Isan Creative Festival took place in the two main economic areas, which are TCDC Khon Kaen - Nong Waeng Trachu Lake Public Park, and Srichan Creative Economy District - The Treasury Museum Khon Kaen, Khon Kaen Innovation Centre, and Chao Pho Chun Phakdi Community. 

With the success of the Isan Creative Festival 2023, the Isan region has proven to have potential for developing and extending the local creative economy, as assisted by the festival. All of this leads to the further integration of natural resources, innovation, and cultural capital. Design work also contributes to reawakening the potential of downtown areas so that everyone may use them and engage in activities there. This contributes to the participation of people in the community and the quality growth of the network of entrepreneurs, designers, artists, and artisans, which helps stimulate the economy as well as promote sustainable tourism in the Northeast region in the future.
